Monday, August 31, 2015

Miraval...Oprah has a different opinion than we do...

GGS recently took a much anticipated trip to the famed Miraval Spa and Resort to see what Oprah has been raving about for so many years.  Is it at all possible that another spa could take the #1 position in our hearts that Miiamo has held for so long? If you’ve been wondering about Miraval yourself and have been saving your hard earned money then this post is absolutely for you and we urge you to read on.

Our arrival:
Upon arrival at the Tucson airport I was immediately greeted by a very nice man at baggage claim (my friend arrived earlier so I was traveling alone) that helped me with my bags.  The downside is that I was not initially told at the time I gave the resort my flight information that I would have to wait for another guest to arrive and that only then would we make the roughly 45 minute journey together.  I have to admit that I was highly annoyed because I was starving and there was nothing at the airport other than fast food.  I don’t do fast food plus I had already blown through all of my protein bars…strike 1.  Strike 2 occurred when the same nice man that helped us with our luggage informed me that we would be arriving past lunch time at the resort and, therefore, I would be unable to get lunch.  What? Seriously? It specifically stated that lunch was included on arrival day and yet spa prison denied me lunch on day 1…not a good move.  I would have understood an abbreviated menu or even having to place an order in advance of arrival so that it would be waiting but just denying me food… unacceptable.

When I finally arrived my friend was waiting and told me that she made them give us a new room because the first room was unacceptable.  Geez…not exactly the way to start what should be 4 days of bliss and relaxation. She led me to our new room where I changed and we made our way to the bar…I needed a drink and they were rumored to have light appetizers, plus I was hangry.
After a glass of wine and all the food I could gather (more on the food later) I went back to the room to prep for my first service, a facial.

The path leading to the spa is beautiful and the sunset as a backdrop is magnificent. When you walk into the spa the space is warm and inviting and there is a desk that you must check in at each day and I have to admit that I found this to be annoying. Checking in each day means getting a new locker each day which means cleaning up all of your stuff each day, not a fan. 
The treatments were lovely.  They weren’t mind blowing but they were absolutely better than the average spa.  My facial was very good, I enjoyed it.  My massage and Sonoran Mud Wrap were also very good.  My standout treatment I think was Chi Nei Tsnag.  I learned a lot about my small intestine and that my stomach gets knots just like my back and I have to say that I felt amazing and have continued to get this treatment in my home town to carry on the effects.
I wish I had more to say about the treatments.  I liked them, I don’t have any complaints but I didn’t leave them feeling like it was the most amazing experience ever.  They were nice. The technicians were very nice and professional and if you go, I’m sure you’ll enjoy your services.

Other programs:
I am a workout fanatic, olympic lifting and CrossFit are my thing however my friend is more into sipping a Bellini and if I could find a way for her to sip and lift at the same time I would undoubtedly be the best friend EVER.  Now that I’ve set the stage…let’s talk about the ridiculous Cardio Drumming class she made me take.  Oh sweet Jesus.  Here’s what I’ll say, it was fun.  Not in a legit this is super fun way but in a OMG this is so ridiculous that I’m laughing my ass off kind of way.  In addition to lifting I have danced my entire life and being professionally trained helped me in this class, it helped me with knowing things like my left from my right which the other women seemed to have a hard time grasping.  The instructor was a hoot and actually pulled me into the center for a solo which was fun or funny, I’m still not sure.  I had actually made my way to the outside of the drumming circle because I was tired of getting nearly run over by fat desperate housewives that I had to repeatedly shout “other left” to as they nearly plowed me down and knocked over my exercise ball drum with their wooden sticks. “That was fun” my Bellini sipping friend said. “That’s one word for it.” I said. I told her I would never do that ridiculous class again and that was the end. I think she may have secretly liked it as it was a class for women who don’t really want to workout but want to prance around to music banging on a ball with wooden drum sticks and think they did something.  They did something alright, they accosted innocent exercise balls with sticks. Those balls will never be the same. 
Next we went to a open discussion group for women going through some sort of transition in their life.  Primarily retirement but oddly I have retired at a young age and so has my husband so I actually understood and fit in within this group.  My friend had just sold her long time family business so she was also interested in this open conversation. The woman who led the group was previously a nurse and a lovely person.  The discussion group was very nice and it was interesting to speak with other women who are going through the same phase of life even if we were all different ages.

Wyatt gets and deserves his very own segment in this blog, it is my personal belief that he is the reason Miraval is on and stays on the list of top spas.  In my opinion this spa is only above average without Wyatt, he is the heart and soul of the resort, period.  Wyatt has a presence that can’t be missed, it’s just impossible.  I had heard of him but never knew what he looked like but oddly when he came walking into the main building while I was waiting for my smoothie I turned to my friend and said “I bet that’s Wyatt Webb” and I was right.  I won’t go into too much detail as interactions with Wyatt tend to be very profound and personal and that’s honestly the best description I can give.  His words, his kindness his energy changed me in a very short time for the better.  He was able to help me through a situation that had been plaguing me for almost 20 years in about 15 minutes and for this I am eternally grateful.  Wyatt is special truly special and if you’ve been hanging onto anything negative in your life I URGE you to save your money and go to Miraval exclusively for his Equine Experience.  He does week long intensives a few times a year and honestly if I ever go back it will be for his program and his program only…it’s that amazing, he is that amazing.  If you go and you also work with some of his staff don’t be disappointed, they are also wonderful and personally trained by him…you can not go wrong.

This part will be short. It was good. Again not mind-blowing but good.  I actually ate some things I had never tried and enjoyed them.  My biggest food complaint is/was availability.  I jokingly called Miraval spa prison because you couldn’t get food all of the time.  I even explained to them that I eat roughly every 3 hours and that I’m Paleo, blah, blah but they didn’t care.  Basically nothing was available past 9p (last dinner reservation) and so I was forced to steal food from breakfast and lunch and store it in the fridge in our casita like a squirrel as to not starve or screw my muscle mass or metabolism.
Nice. Our second room was nice. Obvious South West theme and cozy.  It was by no means The Four Seasons despite charging similar prices. I would say it was more like the Hilton…reliable, clean and nice but in no way special.
Overall vibe:
The resort lacked the intimacy that I love.  I felt like cattle at times being herded with the desperate housewives that I so despise, coming to escape the kids and husbands they despise.  Watching these women makes me uncomfortable and their energy bothers be, I really want to walk up them and say “you’ll find happiness in divorce not at a spa”. of course I don’t do that, it’s none of my business and they’d likely hate me more than they already do since I’m happily married with only fur children tying me down.  
Coming in for a landing:
So here we are, the highlights of one of the top spas in the US and if I’m being honest, I likely wouldn’t go back unless I went for one of Wyatt’s exclusive week long programs.  There was nothing overly special, the food timing/rules were ridiculous and the treatments were nice but nothing special.  Miiamo remains my number one spa destination pick, hands down…end of story.
Happy spa-ing!

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