Monday, August 31, 2015

Miraval...Oprah has a different opinion than we do...

GGS recently took a much anticipated trip to the famed Miraval Spa and Resort to see what Oprah has been raving about for so many years.  Is it at all possible that another spa could take the #1 position in our hearts that Miiamo has held for so long? If you’ve been wondering about Miraval yourself and have been saving your hard earned money then this post is absolutely for you and we urge you to read on.

Our arrival:
Upon arrival at the Tucson airport I was immediately greeted by a very nice man at baggage claim (my friend arrived earlier so I was traveling alone) that helped me with my bags.  The downside is that I was not initially told at the time I gave the resort my flight information that I would have to wait for another guest to arrive and that only then would we make the roughly 45 minute journey together.  I have to admit that I was highly annoyed because I was starving and there was nothing at the airport other than fast food.  I don’t do fast food plus I had already blown through all of my protein bars…strike 1.  Strike 2 occurred when the same nice man that helped us with our luggage informed me that we would be arriving past lunch time at the resort and, therefore, I would be unable to get lunch.  What? Seriously? It specifically stated that lunch was included on arrival day and yet spa prison denied me lunch on day 1…not a good move.  I would have understood an abbreviated menu or even having to place an order in advance of arrival so that it would be waiting but just denying me food… unacceptable.

When I finally arrived my friend was waiting and told me that she made them give us a new room because the first room was unacceptable.  Geez…not exactly the way to start what should be 4 days of bliss and relaxation. She led me to our new room where I changed and we made our way to the bar…I needed a drink and they were rumored to have light appetizers, plus I was hangry.
After a glass of wine and all the food I could gather (more on the food later) I went back to the room to prep for my first service, a facial.

The path leading to the spa is beautiful and the sunset as a backdrop is magnificent. When you walk into the spa the space is warm and inviting and there is a desk that you must check in at each day and I have to admit that I found this to be annoying. Checking in each day means getting a new locker each day which means cleaning up all of your stuff each day, not a fan. 
The treatments were lovely.  They weren’t mind blowing but they were absolutely better than the average spa.  My facial was very good, I enjoyed it.  My massage and Sonoran Mud Wrap were also very good.  My standout treatment I think was Chi Nei Tsnag.  I learned a lot about my small intestine and that my stomach gets knots just like my back and I have to say that I felt amazing and have continued to get this treatment in my home town to carry on the effects.
I wish I had more to say about the treatments.  I liked them, I don’t have any complaints but I didn’t leave them feeling like it was the most amazing experience ever.  They were nice. The technicians were very nice and professional and if you go, I’m sure you’ll enjoy your services.

Other programs:
I am a workout fanatic, olympic lifting and CrossFit are my thing however my friend is more into sipping a Bellini and if I could find a way for her to sip and lift at the same time I would undoubtedly be the best friend EVER.  Now that I’ve set the stage…let’s talk about the ridiculous Cardio Drumming class she made me take.  Oh sweet Jesus.  Here’s what I’ll say, it was fun.  Not in a legit this is super fun way but in a OMG this is so ridiculous that I’m laughing my ass off kind of way.  In addition to lifting I have danced my entire life and being professionally trained helped me in this class, it helped me with knowing things like my left from my right which the other women seemed to have a hard time grasping.  The instructor was a hoot and actually pulled me into the center for a solo which was fun or funny, I’m still not sure.  I had actually made my way to the outside of the drumming circle because I was tired of getting nearly run over by fat desperate housewives that I had to repeatedly shout “other left” to as they nearly plowed me down and knocked over my exercise ball drum with their wooden sticks. “That was fun” my Bellini sipping friend said. “That’s one word for it.” I said. I told her I would never do that ridiculous class again and that was the end. I think she may have secretly liked it as it was a class for women who don’t really want to workout but want to prance around to music banging on a ball with wooden drum sticks and think they did something.  They did something alright, they accosted innocent exercise balls with sticks. Those balls will never be the same. 
Next we went to a open discussion group for women going through some sort of transition in their life.  Primarily retirement but oddly I have retired at a young age and so has my husband so I actually understood and fit in within this group.  My friend had just sold her long time family business so she was also interested in this open conversation. The woman who led the group was previously a nurse and a lovely person.  The discussion group was very nice and it was interesting to speak with other women who are going through the same phase of life even if we were all different ages.

Wyatt gets and deserves his very own segment in this blog, it is my personal belief that he is the reason Miraval is on and stays on the list of top spas.  In my opinion this spa is only above average without Wyatt, he is the heart and soul of the resort, period.  Wyatt has a presence that can’t be missed, it’s just impossible.  I had heard of him but never knew what he looked like but oddly when he came walking into the main building while I was waiting for my smoothie I turned to my friend and said “I bet that’s Wyatt Webb” and I was right.  I won’t go into too much detail as interactions with Wyatt tend to be very profound and personal and that’s honestly the best description I can give.  His words, his kindness his energy changed me in a very short time for the better.  He was able to help me through a situation that had been plaguing me for almost 20 years in about 15 minutes and for this I am eternally grateful.  Wyatt is special truly special and if you’ve been hanging onto anything negative in your life I URGE you to save your money and go to Miraval exclusively for his Equine Experience.  He does week long intensives a few times a year and honestly if I ever go back it will be for his program and his program only…it’s that amazing, he is that amazing.  If you go and you also work with some of his staff don’t be disappointed, they are also wonderful and personally trained by him…you can not go wrong.

This part will be short. It was good. Again not mind-blowing but good.  I actually ate some things I had never tried and enjoyed them.  My biggest food complaint is/was availability.  I jokingly called Miraval spa prison because you couldn’t get food all of the time.  I even explained to them that I eat roughly every 3 hours and that I’m Paleo, blah, blah but they didn’t care.  Basically nothing was available past 9p (last dinner reservation) and so I was forced to steal food from breakfast and lunch and store it in the fridge in our casita like a squirrel as to not starve or screw my muscle mass or metabolism.
Nice. Our second room was nice. Obvious South West theme and cozy.  It was by no means The Four Seasons despite charging similar prices. I would say it was more like the Hilton…reliable, clean and nice but in no way special.
Overall vibe:
The resort lacked the intimacy that I love.  I felt like cattle at times being herded with the desperate housewives that I so despise, coming to escape the kids and husbands they despise.  Watching these women makes me uncomfortable and their energy bothers be, I really want to walk up them and say “you’ll find happiness in divorce not at a spa”. of course I don’t do that, it’s none of my business and they’d likely hate me more than they already do since I’m happily married with only fur children tying me down.  
Coming in for a landing:
So here we are, the highlights of one of the top spas in the US and if I’m being honest, I likely wouldn’t go back unless I went for one of Wyatt’s exclusive week long programs.  There was nothing overly special, the food timing/rules were ridiculous and the treatments were nice but nothing special.  Miiamo remains my number one spa destination pick, hands down…end of story.
Happy spa-ing!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Sonya Dakar Beverly Hills: Legend? Legendary? Legend in her own mind?

We have to admit, we couldn't wait to try Sonya Dakar.  Celebrity clientele, perfect Beverly Hills location, private cave like garage with elevator…everything that could make a girl feel like a famous actress even if she isn't.  My business partner and I are just two girls from a very, very small mid-western town and modest backgrounds who until we were out of college only dreamed of seeing Beverly Hills.  Now that we are able to take a few quick trips a year there we felt it time to spread our wings into the big time, into territory most will never see but we saved up enough to witness and experience for ourselves…. The magic that obviously takes place inside the one and only, famous Sonya Dakar Spa.

Oh boy….. Oh nelly….. holy smokes… WTH?

When that elevator door opened we expected the pearly gates of girl heaven, complete with all the plushness, white marble and crystal that we'd dreamed of but what we got was the Nutty Professor and that may be an understatement.

The elevator doors opened to a dark, slightly outdated and oddly cold space with no front desk staff to greet us.  After a few minutes someone frantically arrived at the front desk babbling something about how she isn't front desk staff, everyone called off sick and she doesn't know where any forms are and what are we here for anyway.  Whoa! Once we were "located" we were ushered off to our own private rooms and asked "hot or cold" along the way by the non front desk person, who later turns into our…notice I said "our" therapist as in singular therapist.  I asked what she meant because I wasn't understanding and the response was "one side of the building is warmer than the other."  With that we both said warm and were ushered to our rooms.  

Warm was an understatement.  Sauna would have been more appropriate.  I was told to leave my pants on but take off my top and put the robe laying on the bed on.  The robe was tattered and looked like something an extra in Michael Jackson's Thriller would be wearing.  Not to mention it was long sleeve and I was already burning up in my tank top.  I did as I was ordered and then I sat there and waited. And waited. And waited. And waited… Finally I texted my friend to see if she was alive.  After confirming she was, I asked if anyone had been back to see her and she said "no."  It was over 25 minutes since we had been thrown into our sweat chambers, but at least mine didn't have ants crawling along the window, plant and floor like my friends did.  I checked the door just to make sure it wasn't locked and this wasn't some assassination attempt.

Finally the same woman who stuck us in these rooms came in and said she was going to "start my facial."   She cleansed me and put the steamer on me but what I didn't realize is that she then left.  I didn't know that she was gone until the steamer ran out of steam and I was left sweating like a wrestler trying to cut weight for a weigh in…  I was alone with not a soul in sight.  So now, I'm mad and I text my friend and she doesn't answer so I figure someone must be doing her facial now… I was right…it was the same woman who had started mine.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry," she said as she rushed back in.  "Short staff today, everyone is sick." I felt bad for a second before shooting her a look that said "let's get this ball rolling or I'm out."  I was seriously tired of the bullshit.  With that, the next phase of my facial started.  She approached me and then placed a plastic bowl (crooked) on my face and said "this is is your oxygen treatment." Oxygen began to blow up my nose.  After a few minutes of this, I opened my eyes only to realize that she has disappeared yet again.

And then, after another wait, Sonya herself appeared, sans clown outfit, like a whirlwind.  I didn't realize it was her at first - until she started bragging about "her client, Gwyneth." I wondered if "Gwyneth" was put through through the same paces.  She nervously moved towards me, rubbed some stuff on my face, told me I had sun damage (but that I have great skin), tried to talk me into a diamond peel, tried to sell me product, told me repeatedly how lucky I was to get her today because she doesn't touch anyone for under $5,000 and then left.  Just like that.  Then the other woman returned.  She performed a quick neck and shoulder massage and told me I was done and she "hoped I enjoyed it."  I was utterly confused at that point.

Had I just survived a hurricane? Because that's how it felt.  I looked at my phone because I wanted to text my friend to see if she was done yet.  I was shocked when I saw the time.  We were told to allot two hours for the facial so that we had 15 minutes on the front and back end of the treatment.  It turns out  that our actual treatment time was only 1/2 of the 90 minutes we were told it would take.  I had spent nearly $1k for a facial and oxygen treatment, but was left pissed off thinking the whole thing was ridiculous.

I got dressed and located my friend.  We swapped identical stories and decided we couldn't wait to escape.  We headed to the front desk, which was still vacant.  I imagined that it was because we would eventually leave without paying if no one showed up, Sonya herself re-appeared.  This time, with loads of product to sell us.  Then her Energizer Bunny sales routine kicked in.  Buy, buy, buy.  Finally, we gave in - just to get the hell out of there - and bought something.  My friend admitted she didn't even know what she purchased, she just bought something to put it to an end.  But it didn't end.

She started babbling about how she wants to keep us for life and the "real money" is in us being repeat clients.  She said she felt bad about today and that's why she stepped in because as you know "she doesn't touch anyone for under $5,000."  Before I even had a moment to think of a wisecrack, she started yelling at an employee and then, almost immediately, turned to us and said "I love you girls, give me a hug."  Wait.  Was this happening?  Yes, yes it was.  It wouldn't end. 

I became confused much like I imagine a person dehydrated and stranded in the desert.  I began to think that maybe this wasn't all crazy, but somehow bizarrely charming.  And that's the moment when Sonya finally realized how bad the experience had been.  She asked "Where are you girls going next?"  with genuine sincerity - no sales bullshit.  "Lunch," we replied and pushed the elevator button repeatedly, still trying to make our escape.  "I want to make up for today, can you girls come back after lunch for a treatment on me?  You're gonna love it."  "Sure" we said and agreed to be back around 3p.  In all candor, if we hadn't been writing this review, we likely would never have returned.  But we were, so we decided to return - maybe offering her possible redemption.

Round 2 at 3p was basically a repeat of the original episode except that Sonya was a little warmer and charming and it didn't boast the previous $1k price tag.  The sales shtick was also suppressed.  We both agreed that we weren't sure what to make of her, or how to write the review.  Part of us liked her, while another part didn't.  

Despite the carnival like surroundings, we cannot deny that our skin looked great.  Will the results from the $1k price tag last?  It's too soon to tell.  In terms of customer service, it was an F.  But she gets at A for effort in trying win us back after she realized we were on a hell ride and she wanted to make it right.

For skin results, Sonya Dakar is Girls Gone Spa approved but on all other levels we will leave it at it being a work in progress.   It's up to you wether or not you toss down your hard earned cash monies on services there, we say just keep your plushness and customer service expectations in check.  And Sonya, lose the name dropping, we all know who frequents your spa.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Humble Abode West Hollywood: Don't Misunderstand The Word Humble...

I love finding little nuggets of serenity in a big city, this is exactly what I found at The Humble Abode.   Located on N. La Cieniga, which is one of the busiest streets in Los Angeles and sort of ironic for such a quiet and special retreat.  

I had great parking karma and was able to find a spot right out front which made it a lucky day but I do believe they may have a few reserved spaces on property.  I walked through the narrow path like outdoor entrance past a ton of plants and about as far back from the street as possible to a small cottage like building on my right…The Humble Abode.  One of the things I noticed most was how quiet it was.  I went inside to check-in and was immediately warmly greeted, I filled out some paperwork and then was walked through the charming boutique area then outside to the upstairs massage room.  The room was nothing special, it was clean which was most important and the bed was comfortable.

My therapist was very nice, asked all of the usual questions and remained silent through the entire massage, which I personally like.  She was very thorough and professional and I left feeling refreshed and peaceful. She focused a lot on my back, per my request, and did a nice job of a deep tissue without too much pain.  It was a solid massage, I would absolutely go back another time for another massage.

Next I had a manicure and I had been tipped off that he is one of the best manicurists in the city, guess what girls…it's true!  Not only is he thorough but he's a blast to talk to and he's amazing at mixing polish to give you the exact shade you want.  My nails looked absolutely perfect when I left, the color was custom and exactly what I wanted. The best part is that the manicure lasted a complete week with no chipping, what more could a girl ask for?

The Humble Abode is Girls Gone Spa approved for a relaxing afternoon treat to yourself.  You'll feel like you can leave the stress of the big city at the curb and enjoy your service inside a cottage in the woods (well…you get the picture).  Try leaving work early one day for a massage and mani and we can pretty much promise you'll be able to take on what's left of your week with no problem.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Heaven in Mexico...We mean: Esperanza Resort

Voted the #1 spa in Mexico 2010 (currently ranked #2) by Travel & Leisure, I was on a mission to see if it was deserving.  Typically we find that the spa rankings are generic reviews of rainbows and butterflies for everyone so I was completely ready to experience it and voice my opinion. 
Upon arrival I was impressed overall, the resort itself is truly spectacular and lives up to the Auberge family reputation.  Located on the cliffs of the coastline with dramatic views of the ocean, I was happy to call it home for a few days and was surprised when it looked exactly like the pictures (the pictures are dreamy) because typically resorts don't (someday I'll make my friend dish on her horrid experience at Sandals in the Bahamas).
After checking in to the spa and being escorted to a rather large ladies lounge, I hung my cloths in one of their over sized lockers and changing into my robe. I was immediately led into the outdoor relaxation area which was landscaped perfectly with lounge chairs that welcomed an afternoon nap and cocktail.   Adjacent to the relaxation area was a featured water passage area. Water what?  Yes, water passage which includes a large soaking pool, outdoor shower and the most unique and my personal favorite...steam caves!  

The treatment area has 14 rooms perfectly spread out along stone paths each with their own private outdoor shower which made me feel like a celebrity.  I only had time for one treatment on this trip so I chose the 90 minute Sea Greens Body Replenisher, one of their signature treatments.  Utilizing sea botanical ingredients indigenous to the area to help remineralize your skin with vitamins and antioxidants, I couldn't wait...I had been waiting weeks for this! My therapist was very thorough and asked me a bunch of questions before getting started which is always a good sign.  The treatment began with a gentle skin exfoliation using a cactus cloth (gentle buffing cloth, made from 100% naturalcactus fibers). Next they applied a seaweed body mask and then wrap your entire body in special blankets to maximize absorption of the vitamins and antioxidants. While wrapped, you receive a scalp and foot massage (always a fan). Once the mask has been on for the allotted time I showered and returned to the treatment room to receive a full body massage (with just the right pressure) using sea plasma lotion and essential oils.
At the conclusion of my treatment, I was escorted back to the outdoor relaxation area to relax and enjoy a fresh fruit beverage with a fruit or vegetable skewer which I thought was a really nice finishing touch.
While I can't speak for the other treatments, I am perfectly comfortable saying that the Sea Greens Body Replenisher treatment was truly amazing! 
The Esperanza Spa is officially Girls Gone Spa approved and is on our re-visit list!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Hershey Spa...Sweeter than we expected!

We promised that we wouldn't lie so I have to tell you that we were SHOCKED in general when it comes to The Hotel Hershey & Spa.  Shocked.  We didn't have high hopes (shame on us) as we thought that once again it would be all hype with none of the glory...we couldn't have been more wrong.
Pulling up to the hotel we noticed how perfectly manicured the grounds are, to be honest, the entire town of Hershey is perfectly manicured... right down to the Hershey Kiss street lamps.
The front of the hotel appeared to be very grand and transported us back into a time where small towns had a sense of pride in their community.
Upon check-in we checked into our "cottage" located around the perimeter of the hotel, the rooms were gorgeous, well maintained, clean and updated...absolutely no complaints.  We loved being in a more quiet area and away from the hustle of the main hotel.

 We settled in, changed and went to dinner in their main dining room - The Circular and once again were pleasantly surprised.  The food was very good and the prices were very appropriate, the hotel did not take advantage of guests on the food prices which gave them extra points with us.  For the most part the dining room was filled with adults which was great for a fine dining experience and the few kids that were there were very well behaved and they went virtually unnoticed.  The evening ended with a cute little white box filled with a delicious salted carmel for us to take back to our room...I don't think it made it that far...I'm pretty sure it was gone before we left dinner!  Our only suggestion for this lovely restaurant (and we are stretching here...) is that they need to be pickier and/or more specific regarding the servers' hair.  We noticed that everyone had it pulled back (most likely due to management dictate) but a lot of them had it pulled back very sloppy or pulled it back wet or just piled it on the top of their head with a scrunchy and it just didn't suit the atmosphere the restaurant was trying to achieve.  Our opinion is that in a fine dining restaurant that requires hair to be pulled back (as it should) needs to be more specific with their employees, maybe buns for everyone with hair long enough?

Next up was our much anticipated day at the famed chocolate spa!  This spa has done everything right... various waiting rooms including a "relaxation-quiet" room and a "relaxation-talking" room.  The locker rooms are gorgeous, the treatment rooms are fab, the staff is so unbelievably knowledgeable on everything from your treatments to the history of the hotel and Milton Hershey himself, it was a great learning-relaxation experience.  One of our favorite features was a the hidden, spa guest only, lunch restaurant called the Oasis... this is a feature that few spas have but every spa SHOULD have so they really get an A+ for the beautiful and private spa dining.  This cafe is located inside the spa for spa guests only so that you can discretely go to lunch in your robe and then sneak back upstairs for the rest of your treatments and big bonus...lunch is only $20 (without alcohol) so once again they are very fair with the food pricing.  The cafe was beautiful and we were told that it is modeled after a famous hotel that Mr. & Mrs. Hershey use to like to visit.  Our only small complaint about the cafe was the lack of food choice and lack of healthy food.  We felt that they tried to make a nice mini buffet which contained what we call "bridal shower/baby shower food" but as all of us girls know...that it typically not healthy!  I would have loved a nice butter lettuce salad with goat cheese and grilled shrimp or something light and along those lines rather than the cream soup and lunch meat wraps they had available.

Let's talk services, try to control yourselves... 1. Chocolate Immersion which is a signature chocolate - themed body treatment featuring a Chocolate Bean Polish followed by the Chocolate Fondue other words...heaven.  We both agreed that the service was fantastic and relaxing and the fact that we smelled like yummy chocolate at the end was just an added bonus.  2.  Cocoa Massage ...Do I really need to say anything else about this?  The only thing I will add is that my therapist was very good and really did a nice job working some knots out of my body without a ton of pain. 3. Cocoa Facial Experience.  Experience is an understatement.  First of all, my therapist was absolutely amazing.  I connected with her right away and knew from the beginning that this was going to be a fantastic service.  The treatment itself is like no other, actually it is the only EDIBLE...yep, edible chocolate facial in North America.  The best is yet to come...when they apply the dark chocolate mask to your face they actually apply it to your lips and you get to lick it off AND they'll put it on your lips as many times as you want or until your personal chocolate runs out!

This spa has everything necessary to qualify as Girls Gone Spa Approved and we will absolutely be back to relax in this small town sanctuary.  

Our last and final request and suggestion to the Hershey Hotel is more adult high-end dining, nothing kills a spa day more than eating dinner in a restaurant full of screaming kids.  Had we known that only The Circular was fine dining and primarily kid free we would have eaten there all three nights but we were unable to change our reservations once we were there because the hotel was so busy.  

Visit The Hershey Hotel and spa with confidence that your money is going to be well spent and that you'll leave feeling pampered and wanting more...we sure did!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

LeCure at the Beverly Hills Plaza hotel

I love it when I'm surprised. I love it when I have mediocre expectations and things go way better that what I had put them together in my brain.  LeCure at the Beverly Hills Plaza hotel is a prime example of one of these few and far between occurrences. 
I purchased a "daily deal" on TravelZoo for an 80 minute massage, 15 min body scrub, fruit smoothy and complimentary valet parking for $99 which seemed like a steal and too good to be true in Beverly Hills but I thought "what the hell, why not"?   Worst case scenario, I would have a lot to write about.
I pulled up to the hotel and was immediately greeted by the valet who was incredibly friendly and helpful in directing me to the spa.  The lobby of the hotel was elegant and filled with sunlight, the spa is on the upper level so I head up per the direction of the valet.  The entrance to LeCure is small and unassuming and there is someone there to greet me the second I walk in.  They welcomed me by name and lead me to the ladies lounge, gave me my locker and said someone would be back to get me in a few minutes.  The lounge was very nice, nothing over the top but nice and clean but perhaps the best feature was that I had the entire place to myself!  I changed quickly and my therapist was there in minutes to get me.  
Let me start by saying that I'm a massage snob.  I've had great ones and terrible ones and everything in between so I feel qualified to tell you that my massage was very good.  The therapist was personable and professional, he asked often how the pressure was and he spent a lot of time of my back which is always a positive.  I hate it when therapists don't spend enough time on your back, that's the area that everyone complains about, right?   He also incorporated a body scrub which was great and I loved how they did it.  For me (my best friend and business partner disagrees) as much as I love body scrubs I hate the showering off part.  For me it breaks up the relaxation and I just don't like it so I tend to stay away from them but this time was different.  My therapist performed the scrub and then used warm damp towels to remove all of the product, I was thrilled!  This also proved my theory that the typical shower part of the service was unnecessary.
Now that my services are complete I was escorted with some filtered water back to the lounge and greeted with my fresh, vegan smoothly!  I still had the lounge to myself to change and drink my smoothy and was pleasantly surprised at my positive experience.  As I left, the front desk staff chatted with me and was very friendly and mentioned that a lot of people love the small and personal style of the spa because they know they can escape and often times have the space to themselves.   As I walked out I waved and told her that I would be back again and that I would tell my friends...and I meant it.  

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Greenbrier Experience

Our most recent trip was to The Greenbrier Resort in White Sulphur Springs, WV for one of our much needed spa getaway weekends.  Our drive there was about 4.5 hours but took us on multiple back roads and as we learned from one of the bellman "there's no easy way to get here from there".  Upon arriving at the resort, we felt transported back in time.  The resort and property has been maintained to reflect a genteel era from the past and has an immaculately trained staff to match.  The entire resort pays homage to the famed interior design legend Dorothy Draper and boasts bright colors and bold prints everywhere.  "We have 800 rooms on property and no two are decorated the same" said our very friendly, well educated and proud bellman...he has worked at the Greenbrier for 43 years and we could tell he felt a sense of pride and ownership over it.  "You can have anything you want at any time, just push this button", we came to find and realize he wasn't kidding...chocolate cake at problem! "If you are having a medical emergency, don't worry, just push this button and one of the doctors we have on staff will come to treat you right away". While we chuckled about that once he left the room, obviously hoping we would not be needing those services yet kind of relieved to know that they were there if we did.
Attention to detail is what stands out at The Greenbrier…they have taken painstaking measures to maintain the original décor and design of the resort and the main dining room is no exception.  The 100 year old main dining room hosts breakfast, afternoon tea and dinner and it feels just as grand as you'd imagine.  Our dinner our first night was was in the main dining room and we also had afternoon tea there earlier as well.  The afternoon tea was lovely but it is not a traditional afternoon tea and the only reason we mention that is because we both actually enjoy traditional afternoon tea and were slightly disappointed but as stated earlier, still very lovely.  Our dinner later that evening was also lovely but if we are being honest, we were disappointed for the price.  They have a champagne cart and a cheese cart yet never wheeled them over and just assumed our drink order...big mistake especially since we wanted a bottle of good champagne.  Our appetizers and salads while tasty were clearly pre-made and kept in a cooler.  Our entrees were very nice and prepared fresh, we both had a beef duo of filet and short rib but nothing was mind blowing.  We ordered two desserts, the souffle because we can't resist and the exclusive and traditional Greenbrier Peaches.  Both were very good and we actually learned that the peaches are grown exclusively for the resort somewhere in California.  We would definitely recommend ordering the peach dessert along with another dessert that appeals to you, it's all about tradition!
Our spa experience at The Greenbrier was truly memorable.  Elegance abounds within the spa with crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling in the waiting room.  We started our spa day with The Greenbrier Treatment and a Greenbrier Sulphur Soak.  The Greenbrier Treatment starts with a sulphur soak in their famous and exclusive waters, then a Swiss shower, scotch spray and concludes with a Swedish massage.  Next up was a mineral Body Wrap and a Lava Stone Massage, both of us loved our second treatments.  The Mineral Body Wrap starts off with a dry-brushing to stimulate circulation, followed by an application of self-heating mineral mud and mineral-rich body lotion to soothe and rejuvenate your skin.  The Lava Stone massage uses two hot lava stones to warm up your muscles and relieve stress.  Our last treatments of the day were  Pinnacle Facials and we both agree that this was one of the best facials we have ever had, and trust us,  we've had a lot of facials. Three different masks were applied including a pumpkin mask, collagen mask and a firming mask.  Lucrece serums and products were used in this treatment and we are both a big fan of that particular skin care line. 
We both much preferred the next evenings dinner at Prime 44 West.  This is the steakhouse which honors NBA legend and West Virginia native Jerry West and features an incredible menu of meats and seafood.  Our entire meal was fantastic along with the service and we have put this restaurant on our must return to list for our next visit.
We don't want to forget afternoon cocktails in the Lobby Bar, which proudly displays a 600 pound crystal chandelier used on the movie set Gone with the Wind and era appropriate cocktails mixed perfectly!!  Our favorite were the tuna tartare tacos, they were to die for and we actually ordered them multiple times.
The Greenbrier also has an elegant indoor pool, a bowling alley, tennis courts, plenty of shops and a casino for nighttime fun.  
Some things the resort could tweak to make the experience even better:
1. Let people know that valet parking is $20/day.  Nothing is worse than getting that charge unexpectedly on your bill at check-out, especially when parking space is not at a premium there.
2. Add some counter space in the bathrooms...maybe girls use more products these days?!  There wasn't enough shelf space for one of us let alone two.
3. Offer a traditional paid afternoon tea in the part of the dining room not being used for the complimentary afternoon tea.  We would have been more than happy to pay $35/pp for a traditional afternoon tea with mini sandwiches, pastries and our tea of choice.
4. Separate the main dining room into two different experiences, one family friendly and the other for adults exclusively.  We weren't thrilled to have a screaming child 2 tables away while sipping on our $135 bottle of champagne and eating our $300 worth of food (yes, total bill including their mandatory 20% gratuity was over $435).  For those prices we should not want to talk because the food is so amazing and we should only be able to hear our own personal conversation and or some fabulous live music. 
5. Let people know in advance that 20% gratuity is added on to everything automatically and give them the ability to adjust that if they would like to...even the breakfast buffet has a 20% gratuity when we were obviously getting our own food.
6. Please update the gym and expand it.  The gym is grossly undersized and dated for such a huge and upscale resort.
This was our first visit to The Greenbrier and clearly long overdue.  We highly recommend the spa, it is truly one of the best spas we've been to, if it isn't on your must visit list, it should be. Overall we had an amazing time and will definitely return when we need a little dose of southern charm.